From Ether
to Matter
stone and digital alchemy
In the beginning
there was a whisper.
From the whisper
I emerge
Stone-carving & Digital Alchemy
One of the most primeval human expressions & one of the most contemporary techniques
One of my first creative exploration & one of my latest

stone carving
The stone and the stone-carver,
a love-story.
From the core of crystallisation into matter,
she whispers to the sculptor.
Chisels and hammer,
patiently denude her,
breathing life
till she unabashedly undresses
the sculpture she is.

From Ether to Matter

for Shadow & Stone
digital alchemy
Through her Shadow & Stone Choreography the dancer reveals layers of human experiences and facets. She liberates the Shadow imprinted for eons in raw matter like stone, wood, water merging with the Light.